Eleventy, a simpler static site generator.

0 min read

Hello folks, today we will discuss about another page builder… And for now we may to try something new..

Eleventy quickly builds speedy web sites. Originally pitched as the JavaScript alternative to Jekyll, Eleventy has matured into a popular modern web site generator.


So, the only requirements we need is nodeJS version 12 or higher ya.. and then we can install it..

echo '# Page header' > README.md
npx @11ty/eleventy

start the server

npx @11ty/eleventy --serve

and then we can look at http://localhost:8080/README/

additional :

  • Eleventy uses several older HTML templating languages to render your website: Nunjucks, Liquid, Pug, EJS, and others.
  • Conceptually, Eleventy is “minimal client-side JavaScript” approach to web development
  • Eleventy achieves this by pushing you to avoid JavaScript entirely. Eleventy sites are often written with little to no JavaScript at all. This becomes an issue when you do need client-side JavaScript. It is up to you to create your own asset build pipeline for Eleventy. This can be time consuming and forces you to set up bundling, minification, and other complex optimizations yourself.

okay that’s all.. for the full documentation you can go here … cyaa…

Bima Sena

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