
0 min read

Hello Stackers, Apollo is a platform for building a supergraph, a unified network of all your data, services, and capabilities that connects to your application clients (such as web and native apps). At the heart of the supergraph is a query language called GraphQL.



To start with, I immediately suggest taking free training from Apollo Odyssey and getting a certificate for that.

Link : Graph Developer – Associate – GraphQL Tutorials (apollographql.com)

And you will find :


Apollo Graph Developer – Associate


  • JavaScript
  • React

Skills Assessed

  • GraphQL & Apollo basics
    • Understand the GraphQL & Apollo ecosystem
    • Design a basic schema
    • Create an Apollo Server and connect to a REST data source
    • Implement Apollo Client library in a React app, build a basic GraphQL query and display results
  • Resolvers, arguments, mutations
    • Implement resolvers
    • Use arguments in queries and resolvers
    • Add a mutation to the schema
    • Explain the best practices for shaping a mutation response and handling errors
    • Use the useMutation hook to send a mutation to the server
  • Production
    • Go from a dev graph to a deployed graph
    • Configure Apollo Server and Client for production

Okay that’s all folks, see you later..

Bima Sena

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