The Thorium

2 min read

Hello Stacker, long time does not update. Now we continue talking about Nuclear Technology. yes We talking about Thorium. What is it?

Thorium is more effective than uranium because it is more abundant, produces less waste, and is safer to use. To produce the same energy, about 1 gram of thorium can produce energy equivalent to about 3 grams of uranium, because thorium is more efficient in the process.

Nuclear power plants with thorium water fusion are being discussed a lot these days, especially since Bridges is providing quite a large amount of funding to the Terra power company, which is assisted by Geh Itachi to develop modern reactors or fourth-generation reactors, apart from several private companies in several countries that are very intensely conducting research on thorium technology, India because it has the largest reserves in the world and also China. However, there is one thing that is quite interesting, Indonesia with a company from America, Thorcon Power, which has the potential to become the first country and the first company to operate a thorium-powered nuclear power plant.
List of countries by thorium resources

How About Indonesia?

“Indonesia is blessed with sufficient natural resources related to nuclear fuel in the form of Uranium and Thorium. For Uranium there are around 90 thousand tons and Thorium around 140 thousand tons.” –brin

So up to now, even though research and studies have been carried out for decades by various countries and by various laboratories and campuses, there has not been a single thorium power plant operating commercially. Later, we will examine what the technology of this thorium power is like, and we We will also discuss why America is reluctant to carry out massive developments in nuclear power generation technology with U.S. thorium. First, we will understand what thorium is.

So thorium is one of 15 radioactive elements, and this element is taken from the name of the god of thunder, Thor and thorium. This has been discovered since 1828, so it’s been a very long time. The identification code for this thorium is 232. This is the element that is considered the most stable of thorium, and this thorium isotope can be extracted from a variety of sources, and the most abundant is from monazite.

This thorium waste is still radioactive for up to 500 years, but that is much lower than uranium waste, which can remain radioactive for hundreds of years or even millions of years. There are many reactors that can use this thorium because it is quite flexible, the Happy Water reactor. High-temperature school reactors, pressurized water reactors, fast neutron reactors, and nuclear energy driver accelerators are still other types of reactors.

Yes, it’s dirty, but if we draw a straight line, there are only two types that are currently in use, water reactors and molten salt reactors. Holden Rector: This is the latest generation or fourth generation reactor, which was also developed by Terra power, developed by China, developed by India, and reset

It is possible that America will wait until this nuclear power plant has completely finished its life before making the latest model of nuclear power plant using storium fuel. This is different from India and China. India and China do not have nuclear reactors that use uranium on a massive scale like those in America.

Bima Sena

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