
GetStaticProps vs GetServerSideProps

Halo guys, kali ini kita coba mengkaji apa perbedaan dari GetStaticProps dengan GetServerSideProps di NextJS ya… untuk itu saya langsung berikan link referensinya…

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Svelte Production Mode

link :

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Gatsby Production Mode

link :

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Next Production Mode

link :

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Nuxt Production Mode

link :

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Reflect.ownKeys(obj) / Object.keys(obj)?

What is the difference between Reflect.ownKeys(obj) and Object.keys(obj)? Object.keys() returns an array of strings, which are the object’s own enumerable properties. Reflect.ownKeys(obj) returns…

Bima Sena Bima Sena


Okay ya guyss, balik lagi nih.. kali ini kita coba berkenalan dengan NewSQL ya.. NewSQL merupakan suatu database yang mengkombinasikan fungsi-fungsi pada RDBMS…

Bima Sena Bima Sena


Okay guys yaa, balik lagi nih kita akan membahas tentang Volta.. namun singkat saja untuk penjelasannya.. The Hassle-Free JavaScript Tool Manager volta Jadi…

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Scandi PWA

ScandiPWA is the fastest way to get ready-to-use PWA for any Magento store. Development and production environments available in 15 minutes on…

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Node Tap

Software testing should help you build software. It should be a security blanket and a quality ratchet, giving you the support to undertake…

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