
1 min read

Hello Stackers.. When we have a development server and want to go to production, we usually don’t consider the performance issues that will occur in the future. because it’s possible that the web apps or platforms that we use haven’t received much demand from the users. So the following are just a few of the many tools that we can use to test the performance of our platform.

An easy-to-use library for creating load testing applications


Bender HTTP Tutorial

Bender makes it easy to build load testing applications for services using protocols like HTTP, Thrift, Protocol Buffers and many more. Bender provides a library of flexible, powerful primitives that can be combined (with plain Go code) to build load testers customized to any use case and that evolve with your service over time.

Bender provides two different approaches to load testing. The first, LoadTestThroughput, gives the tester control over the throughput (QPS), but not over the concurrency. This one is very well suited for services that are open to the Internet, like web services, and even backend Thrift or Protocol Buffer services, since it will just keep sending requests, even if the service is struggling. The second approach, LoadTestConcurrency, gives the tester control over the concurrency, but not over the throughput. This approach is better suited to testing services that require lots of concurrent connections, and need to be tested for resource limits.

That Bender is a library makes it flexible and easy to extend, but means it takes longer to create an initial load tester. As a result, we’ve focused on creating easy-to-follow tutorials that are written for people unfamiliar with Go, along with documentation for all the major functions in the library.

Full documentation.

Bima Sena

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