Collab with AWS

2 min read

Hello Stackers, this week we will stay updating about hacking things.. in previous post we already colab with Free tier google, but now we move to the bigger one. Let’s check it out!

The first time you attempt to launch the instance you will find that, by default, you are not allowed to launch the P2 Kali instances on Amazon as shown in the error message below.

The message contains the following text with a link to request more instances.

You have requested more instances (1) than your current instance limit of 0 allows for the specified instance type. Please visit to request an adjustment to this limit.

I submitted the form and was easily approved within a day.

Use this link to find and launch your desired instance:

The image below shows the process of launching a single GPU cloud instance.

So let’s do some cracking speed comparisons using Hashcat’s benchmarking option. The table below summarizes the results with supporting images at the end of this post.

Note that I did get a CUDA compatibility message from the cloud crackers saying that performance was degraded but I did not find a workaround for that issue. If you know of one, please let me know and I will update this post.

The conclusion I came to is that the 16 GPU cloud instance at $15/hr would be an OK solution for a quick password crack at a CTF event, for example, but that hourly price adds up to over ten thousand dollars a month!!! I recommend biting the bullet and building your own password cracker here on earth before you burn up all your money in the cloud.

CPU Cracking in the Cloud

GPU Cracking on Earth

GPU Cracking in Cloud (1 GPU)

GPU Cracking in the Cloud (16 GPU’s)

This is the list of GPU for AWS :

Okay that’s All folks, for the list link refer on here.. cyaaa ..

Bima Sena

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