<!-- Click on the canvas to draw a circle. Click on a circle to select it. Right-click on the canvas to adjust the radius of the selected circle. --> <script> let i = 0; let undoStack = [[]]; let circles = []; let selected; let adjusting = false; let adjusted = false; function handleClick(event) { if (adjusting) { adjusting = false; // if circle was adjusted, // push to the stack if (adjusted) push(); return; } const circle = { cx: event.clientX, cy: event.clientY, r: 50 }; circles = circles.concat(circle); selected = circle; push(); } function adjust(event) { selected.r =; circles = circles; adjusted = true; } function select(circle, event) { if (!adjusting) { event.stopPropagation(); selected = circle; } } function push() { const newUndoStack = undoStack.slice(0, ++i); newUndoStack.push(clone(circles)); undoStack = newUndoStack; } function travel(d) { circles = clone(undoStack[i += d]); adjusting = false; } function clone(circles) { return{ cx, cy, r }) => ({ cx, cy, r })); } </script> <div class="controls"> <button on:click="{() => travel(-1)}" disabled="{i === 0}">undo</button> <button on:click="{() => travel(+1)}" disabled="{i === undoStack.length -1}">redo</button> </div> <svg on:click={handleClick} > {#each circles as circle} <circle cx={} cy={} r={circle.r} on:click="{event => select(circle, event)}" on:contextmenu|stopPropagation|preventDefault="{() => { adjusting = !adjusting; if (adjusting) selected = circle; }}" fill="{circle === selected ? '#ccc': 'white'}" /> {/each} </svg> {#if adjusting} <div class="adjuster"> <p>adjust diameter of circle at {}, {}</p> <input type="range" value={selected.r} on:input={adjust}> </div> {/if} <style> .controls { position: relative; width: 100%; text-align: center; } svg { background-color: #eee; width: 100%; height: 100%; } circle { stroke: black; } .adjuster { position: relative; width: 80%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); padding: 1em; text-align: center; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.7); border-radius: 4px; } input[type='range'] { width: 100%; } </style>
dan import ke App.svelte
<FlightBooker /> <Timer /> <CRUD /> <CircleDrawer />
dan hasilnya akan seperti ini …
source code ada disini ya… cyaa….