Tele Storage

2 min read

Have you ever read about the villain of Abu Jahal, there is an issue where people have been feel the present in villainous until now.

I have never felt the urge to said the villain, but I do feel the ominous to the stories.

I write this article about Tele storage, and finally understand a significant part of Abu Jahal stories.

This feature is a solution to halting problem in the particular part where in Turing thesis describe about telepathy, which is a controversial in-part due to instruction must be given out. I want to giving a detour from Alan Turing thesis where the instruction is not given out but persist (timely manner).

A timely manner can only be describe in Energy, since the scientific of today do relate energy as time and space. There is one problem in the energy & time also Alan Turing is giving a name as Halting Problem.

Halting Problem was a problem where elapsed energy is greater than the informational length, the elapsed time took longer than the needed information in-place by energy.

The in-place of energy for today standard is using equivalent principle to the accelerating bodies, the accelerating is govern by gravitation to a state where freefall existed in the particular situation. Now, there is an interesting analogies where a certain bodies did not have a freefall to began gravitate, like an encompasses matter or body to light (transparent bodies).

Also there might be a elapsed matter have same acceleration to light, but for a transparent bodies they tend to have coefficient acceleration to energies of light. a Coefficient acceleration resulting a need for counting smallest elapsed energy given to a matter. the distributed energy when not the same to coefficient acceleration will break the light symmetry rather joined in transparency.

Smallest Elapsed Energy

ET = mc.C0

T is for Tau, a distributive in relativistic than can be a cluster particle with a formulation given below

Cluster particle as smallest Elapsed Energy

Etn = x Tct

How to proof there is a cluster particle, we can use a Hyperspace Energy dependency. the dependency can be using the formulation below.

Hyperspace Energy dependency on clustered particle


In the formalization above, the wave particle duality is changed.

Behavioral in the wave-particle duality is not an actuality a form of particle is behaving as wave, and vice-versa. The differentiate form is not due to versatile, an Energy of particulate can behave as wave, and a Particle can behave as wave.

A solution to halting problem lies in the smallest of lower energy, since the lowest energies is clustered. We can use time dependency in ratio to hyperspace energy.

Anyway I did not want to talk about how the technological can be made, but a soul needs to be free from guilts. The looks of halting problem for daily life is very similar to how smell is by oxygen medium. this is because oxygen are encompasses the hyperspace as our energies.

I do feel an eternal smell, but an odor is govern by the elapsed energy. a Storage that will not be having useful to none is not in a state elapsed.

Dwinanto Saputra

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