Email Seen ?

0 min read

Halo guys, welcome back to our channel.. Here are short tips how using BOT to get email read information:

  1. Start Bot
    – Open telegram and search @heroku_email_seen_bot
    – Click start
  2. Find your telegram ID
    – Open telegram and search @userinfobot
    – Click start
    – Copy ID
  3. Open your Email Provider, so example im using Gmail..
    – and edit your html body and add this html tag
    – Please note to change “enter your telegram id” to your ID
<img src=" your telegram id here" alt="seen email worked" />

4. If you don’t know how to add html body then :
– So example body email :

<p>Simple HTML Body Email.</p>
  <span style="color: #ff0000;"
      src=" your telegram id here"
      alt="seen email worked"

5. After Sending Email, you will continue to receive notifications whenever the email has been read.

*Server: NodeJS

Now you have another assistant 😀 … Okay thank you.. cyaaa…

Bima Sena

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