Svelte – Dimensions

0 min read

Hello guys.. welcome back to my channel..


	let w;
	let h;
	let size = 42;
	let text = 'edit me';

<input type=range bind:value={size}>
<input bind:value={text}>

<p>size: {w}px x {h}px</p>

<div bind:clientWidth={w} bind:clientHeight={h}>
	<span style="font-size: {size}px">{text}</span>

	input { display: block; }
	div { display: inline-block; }

import di App.svelte

	<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
	<p>Visit the <a href="">Svelte tutorial</a> to learn how to build Svelte apps.</p>
	<Counter />
	<Toggle />
	<Img />
	<String />
	<Statement />
	<Condition />
	<Nested answer={42}/>
	<Info {...pkg}/>
	<IfLogin />
	<Comparison />
	<EachYoutube />
	<KeyEachThing />
	<GenerateNumber />
	<MouseMove />
	<MouseMoveInlineHandler />
	<EventModifier />
	<AlertCompEvent />
	<AlertEventForwarding />
	<CustomButtonComp />
	<TextInput />
	<NumericInput />
	<CheckboxInputs />
	<GroupInputs />
	<TextareaInputs />
	<FileInput />
	<SelectBindings />
	<SelectMultiple />
	<EachBlockBindings />
	<MediaElements />
	<Dimensions />


hasilnya :

oke berhasil yaa… link github ada disini …cyaaa

Bima Sena

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