Svelte – The Transition Directive

1 min read

Alright guysss… welcome back to our channel… sekarang kita lanjutkan materi Svelte ini dan kita udah sampai di Transitions yaa… okay lanjut kita gasss..

pertama buat file dulu transitions/TransitionsDirective.svelte

	import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
	let visible = true;

	<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={visible}>

{#if visible}
	<p transition:fade>
		Fades in and out

dan kemudian kita import aja langsung ke App.svelte

	<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
	<p>Visit the <a href="">Svelte tutorial</a> to learn how to build Svelte apps.</p>
	<Counter />
	<Toggle />
	<Img />
	<String />
	<Statement />
	<Condition />
	<Nested answer={42}/>
	<Info {...pkg}/>
	<IfLogin />
	<Comparison />
	<EachYoutube />
	<KeyEachThing />
	<GenerateNumber />
	<MouseMove />
	<MouseMoveInlineHandler />
	<EventModifier />
	<AlertCompEvent />
	<AlertEventForwarding />
	<CustomButtonComp />
	<TextInput />
	<NumericInput />
	<CheckboxInputs />
	<GroupInputs />
	<TextareaInputs />
	<FileInput />
	<SelectBindings />
	<SelectMultiple />
	<EachBlockBindings />
	<MediaElements />
	<Dimensions />
	<BindThisCanvas />
	<ComponentBindings />
	<OnMount />
	<OnDestroyIntervals />
	<BeforeAndAfterUpdate />
	<Tick />
	<h1>The count is {countValue}</h1>
	<h1>The count is {$countAutoSubscriptions}</h1>
	<h1>The time is {formatter.format($time)}</h1>
	<h1>The time is {formatter.format($time)}</h1>
		This page has been open for
		{$elapsed} {$elapsed === 1 ? 'second' : 'seconds'}
	<h1>The count is {$countCustom}</h1>
	<button on:click={countCustom.increment}>+</button>
	<button on:click={countCustom.decrement}>-</button>
	<button on:click={countCustom.reset}>reset</button>
	<Tweened />
	<Spring />
	<TransitionsDirective />


dan hasilnyaa akan seperti ini… yages….

Okay berhasil ya… kita lanjut nanti di materi selanjutnya… link github ada disini… Cyaaaaa

Bima Sena

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