Svelte – The Animate Directive

3 min read

Alright guyss… balik lagi di materi Svelte kita selanjutnya…


	import { quintOut } from 'svelte/easing';
	import { crossfade } from 'svelte/transition';
	import { flip } from 'svelte/animate';

	const [send, receive] = crossfade({
		fallback(node, params) {
			const style = getComputedStyle(node);
			const transform = style.transform === 'none' ? '' : style.transform;

			return {
				duration: 600,
				easing: quintOut,
				css: t => `
					transform: ${transform} scale(${t});
					opacity: ${t}

	let todos = [
		{ id: 1, done: false, description: 'write some docs' },
		{ id: 2, done: false, description: 'start writing JSConf talk' },
		{ id: 3, done: true, description: 'buy some milk' },
		{ id: 4, done: false, description: 'mow the lawn' },
		{ id: 5, done: false, description: 'feed the turtle' },
		{ id: 6, done: false, description: 'fix some bugs' },

	let uid = todos.length + 1;

	function add(input) {
		const todo = {
			id: uid++,
			done: false,
			description: input.value

		todos = [todo, ...todos];
		input.value = '';

	function remove(todo) {
		todos = todos.filter(t => t !== todo);

<div class='board'>
		placeholder="what needs to be done?"
		on:keydown="{event => event.key === 'Enter' && add(}"

	<div class='left'>
		{#each todos.filter(t => !t.done) as todo (}
				<input type=checkbox bind:checked={todo.done}>
				<button on:click="{() => remove(todo)}">x</button>

	<div class='right'>
		{#each todos.filter(t => t.done) as todo (}
				<input type=checkbox bind:checked={todo.done}>
				<button on:click="{() => remove(todo)}">x</button>

	.new-todo {
		font-size: 1.4em;
		width: 100%;
		margin: 2em 0 1em 0;

	.board {
		max-width: 36em;
		margin: 0 auto;

	.left, .right {
		float: left;
		width: 50%;
		padding: 0 1em 0 0;
		box-sizing: border-box;

	h2 {
		font-size: 2em;
		font-weight: 200;
		user-select: none;

	label {
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		display: block;
		font-size: 1em;
		line-height: 1;
		padding: 0.5em;
		margin: 0 auto 0.5em auto;
		border-radius: 2px;
		background-color: #eee;
		user-select: none;

	input { margin: 0 }

	.right label {
		background-color: rgb(180,240,100);

	button {
		float: right;
		height: 1em;
		box-sizing: border-box;
		padding: 0 0.5em;
		line-height: 1;
		background-color: transparent;
		border: none;
		color: rgb(170,30,30);
		opacity: 0;
		transition: opacity 0.2s;

	label:hover button {
		opacity: 1;

import ke App.svelte

	<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
	<p>Visit the <a href="">Svelte tutorial</a> to learn how to build Svelte apps.</p>
	<Counter />
	<Toggle />
	<Img />
	<String />
	<Statement />
	<Condition />
	<Nested answer={42}/>
	<Info {...pkg}/>
	<IfLogin />
	<Comparison />
	<EachYoutube />
	<KeyEachThing />
	<GenerateNumber />
	<MouseMove />
	<MouseMoveInlineHandler />
	<EventModifier />
	<AlertCompEvent />
	<AlertEventForwarding />
	<CustomButtonComp />
	<TextInput />
	<NumericInput />
	<CheckboxInputs />
	<GroupInputs />
	<TextareaInputs />
	<FileInput />
	<SelectBindings />
	<SelectMultiple />
	<EachBlockBindings />
	<MediaElements />
	<Dimensions />
	<BindThisCanvas />
	<ComponentBindings />
	<OnMount />
	<OnDestroyIntervals />
	<BeforeAndAfterUpdate />
	<Tick />
	<h1>The count is {countValue}</h1>
	<h1>The count is {$countAutoSubscriptions}</h1>
	<h1>The time is {formatter.format($time)}</h1>
	<h1>The time is {formatter.format($time)}</h1>
		This page has been open for
		{$elapsed} {$elapsed === 1 ? 'second' : 'seconds'}
	<h1>The count is {$countCustom}</h1>
	<button on:click={countCustom.increment}>+</button>
	<button on:click={countCustom.decrement}>-</button>
	<button on:click={countCustom.reset}>reset</button>
	<Tweened />
	<Spring />
	<TransitionsDirective />
	<AddingParameters />
	<InOut />
	<CustomCss />
	<CustomJs />
	<TransitionEvents />
	<Deffered />
	<AnimateDirective />


dan hasilnya akan seperti ini…

Okay cukup sekian dulu ya… source code ada disini… see you next time…

Bima Sena

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