Svelte – 7guis-flight-booker

0 min read


<!-- -->
	const tomorrow = new Date( + 86400000);

	let start = [
		pad(tomorrow.getMonth() + 1, 2),
		pad(tomorrow.getDate(), 2)

	let end = start;
	let isReturn = false;

	$: startDate = convertToDate(start);
	$: endDate = convertToDate(end);

	function bookFlight() {
		const type = isReturn ? 'return' : 'one-way';

		let message = `You have booked a ${type} flight, leaving ${startDate.toDateString()}`;
		if (type === 'return') {
			message += ` and returning ${endDate.toDateString()}`;


	function convertToDate(str) {
		const split = str.split('-');
		return new Date(+split[0], +split[1] - 1, +split[2]);

	function pad(x, len) {
		x = String(x);
		while (x.length < len) x = `0${x}`;
		return x;

<select bind:value={isReturn}>
	<option value={false}>one-way flight</option>
	<option value={true}>return flight</option>

<input type=date bind:value={start}>
<input type=date bind:value={end} disabled={!isReturn}>

	disabled="{isReturn && (startDate >= endDate)}"

	select, input, button {
		display: block;
		margin: 0.5em 0;
		font-size: inherit;

dan import ke App.svelte

	<Debugging />
	<CounterGuis />
	<TemperatureConverter />
	<FlightBooker />

dan hasilnya akan seperti ini ya …

Okay berhasil ya… untuk source code ada disini … cyaaa…

Bima Sena

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