
1 min read

Hello Stackers, today we talking about another WebGL Library. The Babylon.js Platform prioritizes support for the absolute latest and greatest advancements to the glTF file format. This means every new version of Babylon.js unlocks new beautiful advancements in rendering capabilities, and Babylon.js 5.0 turns up the heat! With full support for KHR_materials_volume, KHR_materials_transmission, and KHR_materials_ior, you can now render some absolutely STUNNING visuals!

Our mission is to create one of the most powerful, beautiful, and simple Web rendering engines in the world. Our passion is to make it completely open and free for everyone. We are artists, developers, creators, and dreamers and we want to make it as simple as possible to enable everyone to bring their ideas to life. This is an important milestone for the Babylon.js platform. Babylon.js was named with a deep love and admiration of one of the greatest sci-fi shows of all time, and we are thrilled to announce the launch of the next version of the Babylon.js platform. Babylon.js 5.0 is quite simply the biggest, boldest, and most ambitious update to the platform to date. From full support of WebGPU, to the ability to deploy experiences across platforms with Native Capabilities, to more tools, features, and improvements than you can count – Babylon.js 5.0 ushers in the next generation of web rendering technology for everyone.


Now we have found a very good repository using SVELTEKIT as the framework.

SvelteKit + Babylon.js

repos : jasonsturges/babylonjs-sveltekit: 3D with Svelte and Babylon.js (

demo : Babylon.js Sveltekit (

Okay, that’s All Folks. Thank you for your attention.. cyaa ..

Bima Sena

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