Bunge Vote

1 min read

Election day ahead, with candidate voting, is created and run by digitalization (SiRekap). The state of affairs within the service needs to be prepared, but operations implemented using a digital system will have some drawbacks.

A Bunge Vote might occur, with retention to record savings in the service run by governmental bodies. the term the Bunge vote can be understood with intrinsic information as having a reference point to the velocity.

Let’s assume the voting has a base (time dependent on parity in hours), we can imagine the base has a rig to be presumed or resume on the person hosting the vote. The schedule between rig placement would be a pitch. The pitch will then transfer the information to higher bodies (institutionally).

We can have an example with the Indonesia timezone, the metamorphosis of a pitch can be metamorphic to delayed one hour for WITA, WIB, and WIT. The delay can be used to create a number within a body to have slightly greater velocity without the tendency being detected since a Bunge has its own reference point.

The velocity can be detected only in the locality area of a morphic bodies. This informational change is possible to be transferred as long the rate to transfer does not reduce the greater velocity. We can assume a spike in telecommunication during voting being hosted, is a velocity to the pitch. However an individual might not be able to change a rated in the voting system, but the morphing data can and is able to change a rated vote.

So voting systems that do have a re-vote are very helpful to legitimize the digital system. On the other hand, without a re-vote, the digitalization prune to data is morphed into the time dependency of a Bunge voter.

There is a case in the United States Presidency, where certain candidates would win when the Bunge voter is not become re-voted. So we just hope that our presidential voting is not being rigged by certain groups of voters, since the country voting is not legitimized by federal standards like in America but by the Constitutional Court. The healthy choice will be two periods for voting, although the cost is greater.

The cost for learning to do cheating is greater than fairness.

Dwinanto Saputra

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